DEFINITION.TODAY - What is Sociology Definition? Etymologically, sociology is derived from the word socius (Latin: friend) and logos (Greek: word, speech). So literally, sociology can be interpreted as talking about friends. Then, how do the experts define sociology? Let us read carefully the following definitions:
The term 'sociology' was first used by Auguste Comte in 1839, a French philosopher. Auguste Comte was the first person to use the term as a special educator to study society. In addition, he also made an important contribution to sociology. Therefore experts agree to call it 'Father of Sociology'. Why? It must be admitted that Auguste Comte is very meritorious to the science of sociology.
1. According to Auguste Comte
Sociology is a positive study of the basic laws of various social phenomena consisting of static sociology and dynamic sociology.
The term 'sociology' was first used by Auguste Comte in 1839, a French philosopher. Auguste Comte was the first person to use the term as a special educator to study society. In addition, he also made an important contribution to sociology. Therefore experts agree to call it 'Father of Sociology'. Why? It must be admitted that Auguste Comte is very meritorious to the science of sociology.
2. According to William Kornblum
Sociology is a scientific effort to study the society and the social behavior of its members and make the community concerned in different groups and conditions.
3. According to Roucek and Warren
Sociology is the study of relations between people in groups.
4. According to Allan Johnson
Sociology is the study of life and behavior especially in relation to a social system and how it affects people and how the people involved in it influence the system.
5. According to Pitirim A. Sorokin
Sociology is the study of:
- the relationship and mutual influence between various kinds of social phenomena, for example between economic phenomena and religion, family and morals, law and economics, etc.
- the relationship and mutual influence between social phenomena and non-social symptoms (eg geographic, biological, etc.).
6. According to Herbert Spencer
Sociology is the science that investigates the composition and process of social life as a whole or a system.
7. According to Emile Durkheim
Sociology is the study of social facts. Social facts are a way of acting, thinking, and being able to exert external coercion on the individual.
8. According to J. Gillin
Sociology is the study of interactions that arise in society.
9. According to Wiliam F. Ogburn and Mayer F. Nimkoff
Sociology is a scientific study of social interaction and the result of social organization.
10. According to P. J. Baouman
Sociology is the science of human beings and the relationships between groups of people.
11. According to Paul B. Horton
Sociology is a science that focuses on the study of group life and product life of the group.
12. According to Mr. J. Bierens De Haan
Sociology is the science of human society, both about its nature, its composition, its relationships, the natures that move it, about health, and the development of society.
13. According to Soerjono Soekanto
Sociology is a science that focuses on societal aspects of a general nature and seeks to get the general patterns of community life.
14. According to George Simmel
Sociology is a science that studies the relationships of human beings.
15. According to Max Weber
Sociology is the science that seeks to understand social actions. Social action is an action that is taken by considering and oriented to the behavior of others.
16. According to Drs. Ary H. Gunawan
Sociology is a science that seeks to solve problems with sociological analysis or approach.
17. According to Selo Soemardjan and Soelaeman Soemardi
Sociology is a social science that studies social structures and social processes including social change.
18. According to Charles Ellwood
Sociology is the knowledge that describes the relationship of man and his class, as long as his progress, form, and obligations.
19. According to J. A. A. Von Dorn and C. J. Lammers
Sociology is the science of stable structures and social processes.
20. According to Gustav Ratzenhofer
Sociology is the knowledge of human relationships with its obligation to investigate the basis and the occurrence of social evolution and general prosperity for its members.
21. According to Major Polak
Sociology is a science that studies society as a whole, that is relationship between human being with other human being, human being with group, group with group, either formal group or informal group or both static group and dynamic group.
22. According to Koentjaraningrat
Sociology is a process that is the process of learning culture in relation to social systems.
23. According to Hassan Shandily
Sociology is the study of living together in society and investigating the bonds between human beings who dominate life by trying to understand the nature and purpose of living together the way it is formed and grow, and the change of union of life and belief.
24. According to Anthony Giddens
Sociology is the study of human social life, groups of people, and society.
25. According to Prof. Groenman
Sociology is a science that studies the actions of humans in an effort to fit in a bond. These adjustments include:
- Adapt to the geography environment
- Adapt to fellow human beings
- Adapt to the surrounding culture.
26. According to Ibn Chaldun
Sociology is a science that studies the society, the human in its diverse form, character and characteristic of these forms of traps and laws that dominate their development.
27. According to Prof. M.M. Djojodiguna, SH.
He defines Sociology as the science of life-oriented society, meaning that what is being investigated is the social life.
28. According to Cuber
In his book "Sociology, A Synopsis of Principles" defines sociology as a science of mutual relations between humans.
29. According to Bierens Dehan
Bierens Dehan explains the definition of sociology in his book "Sociology, Ontwikkelingen Methode" defines sociology as the science of association of life.
30.According to Queen & Repke
They revealed in his book Living in the Social World that sociology is a science that studies the life of the group.
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